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The Nappy Heads is
Keepin’ the Funk Alive on Strong Island!
by Beryl Stone
I first got a look and a taste of this extremely talented group when they opened for a legendary Ska/Reggae artist that I was interviewing, at a club on Long Island. From the first beats of their set, I couldn’t believe that there were 9 talented musicians on the stage playing FUNK! Who are these guys? The Nappy Heads, that’s who! #9 (Zack) is the charismatic lead vocalist and rapper, The Designated Hitter for the Funk (Eric J.) jams on lead vocals, does some mean rhymin’ with his rap and is always smiling those white pearly’s at ya’, Groovalicious (John W.) plays a blazing lead guitar and also does back-up vocals, The Flash (Andy) plays slammin’ lead and rhythm guitars, Prez is a keyboard master and background vocalist (along with the clothing to finish the look and was a feature story in SGIB’s Producer’s Corner column in the November/December, 2003 issue), The Hat (Ainsley) beats the drums for that funky groove, The O.G. (Gary) is the bass guitarist that you feel the thumping down into your soul, Magic is on drums that also grooves to the funky beat and Prrrl (Earl) plays a mean set of keys and does back-up vocals. If all that talent isn’t enough for you, they wear real funky outfits on-stage, especially #9 (check out the photos) and The Designated Hitter for the Funk.
The Nappy Heads has a simple ‘mission’: To spread a new type of funk across the planet in this millennium. They pay homage to the funk fathers who came before them: James Brown, Bootsy Collins, Bernie Worrell, George Clinton, Little Richard, Prince, Sly, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Larry Graham and many others. An impressive list of influences, fo’ real. The Army has performed with such headliners as Living Color, Jen Durkin, The Bomb Squad and the Funk Philharmonic. Their cuts from their newest CD, “Funky For Life” are aired regularly on WUSB radio out of Stony Brook University. Their spiritual ideals of love and peace are always present especially on their original track, the uplifting funky groove titled, “GOD”.
When The Nappy Heads play, their sets consist of original music as well as covers from some of the greatest funk masters of our time: George Clinton and the P-Funk, Prince, James Brown. I was like, ‘Wow, this band is keepin’ funk alive and on Long Island no less.’ I was in funk heaven! I immediately called my editor and told him about this band that I wanted him to hear. I went to the management of the club and asked where could I find the band’s people? Well, I found their manager (at the time), who proceeded to take me to meet them after their set. I felt like a groupie, gushing praise and awe about their talent and performance. They were so down-to-earth, friendly, humble and gracious. No signs of ego anywhere. I introduced myself as the music reviewer and that I wanted to get them into SGIB magazine, some way, some how. I mean, how often is funk really heard now-a-days in the clubs? I went with the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Gerard, to another show the Nappy Heads were playing and he agreed they were great!
In fact, The Nappy Head Funk Army was reviewed in my Long Island Sounds column in our November/December, 2003 issue. I have been to many gigs of theirs and they only get better each and every time and no two shows are alike. The Nappy Heads have a loyal fan base that are fondly known as “The Funkateers.” I am definitely one of them! The Nappy Heads get people up dancing and movin’ to their groovin’ and then it hit me, I wanted to get an interview. My editor suggested we make them the first group to grace our cover and asked me if I wanted to do the interview and story. I jumped at the chance to do just that. First group on the cover and MY first cover story. Read on, future funkateers….In our next issue of SGIB until than "may the Funk be with you!"

"Bootsy Collins"
The Mothership Has Landed

by Gerard
Born William Collins in Cincinnati and still lives there on. October 26, 1951 Main instruments-Bass and electric guitars, also plays space bass, acoustic guitar, drums and guitars. Also does vocals, raps and sampling and is a mixer, producer, arranger, engineer, bandleader. SGIB Magazine is delighted to write about this pioneer the “Poineer of Funk” Boosty Collins. Started his career at 14 years old hitting the Teen talent shows and in gospel groups from 1989-1971(No open Mic’s). Was discovered by a Cincinnati local jazz musician mr. Wilbert Longmire and on a New's Year Eve Bootsy filled in Mr. Wibert's band,his band the Pacesetters became The God Father of Soul Mr. James Brown’s back up band as the JB's (in fact, helped write "Sex Machine" a Godfather classic). In 1972 was asked to back-up the legionary soulful group Spinners and The Father of Funk Mr. George Clinton and the P-Funk band and joined his band. In fact it was with Mr. Clinton that he went from clean cut tuxedos (with Mr. James Brown) to the outlandish clothes and star shaped glasses his trademark today. In 1976 launched his own band, "Bootsy's Rubber Band," 1990 was the featured guitarist and bassist for Deee-Lite , was on the Showtime TV special "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" and Currently is played regularly on Radio VH1 on the "Funk Essentials" stations. Mr. Collins was Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 also in 1997 became the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the first CAMMY Awards (given to Cincinnati artists). His most resent Grammy was won by collaborating with Fatboy Slim and has done a video with Eminem's DJ Head. Oh and here is something you Babyface lover may not know, Boosty was the one who gave Babyface his nickname
His newest CD-"Play With Bootsy" the first single is the title track CD is getting rave reviews. Collaborates with Snoop Dogg, Rosie Gaines (Prince), Fat Joe, George Clinton, Bobby Womack. Is causing a new generation of 'Bootsmania". On intro of CD mentions a laundry list of artists-Chuck D, Nelly, Snoop, Rosie, Dr. Dre. Another single "Love Gangsta" on the new CD gives the message to put Away the guns!
Mr. Collins has over 15 albums, first one in 1976. Has been on numerous compilations CD's. First hit single "Stretching Out in a Rubber Band." Most successful singles "Pinocchio Theory", "Bootzilla," "Body Slam," "Ah, The name is Bootsy, Baby" (which went gold in 1977) and in 1978 had another gold record "Bootsy? Player of the Year". Then took a 6 year hiatus. His studio-Bootzilla Re-Hab, keeps figurines of Casper the Ghost, Bugs Bunny, Three Stooges and other cartoon characters as 'decorations.' And his son, Bill, Jr. is the sceond generation an upcoming rapper (I can’t wait to hear him) will there be a third; Bootsy is also a grandfather.
With a history of his own LSD use and groupies days behind him Mr. Collins has been around over 30 years and is in heavy rotation on MTV now on the video "Weapon of Choice" with Fatboy Slim. Also has music on the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider soundtrack. He cites his influences as Sly Stone, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix has been described as: brassy, freakish, humorous, fun, playful, good natured, silly, theatrical working with Val Watson, on a CD for a tribute to Jimi Hendrix,Musiq, Toots & the Maytals (reggae group), Big Daddy Kane, Cyndi Lauper, Herbie Hancock, Teena Marie. Very hot Germany, many of his web linked sites are in German. It is with pleasure I do this interview, he and I have bumped into one another on more than one occasion in the past.
SGIB: Let’s go back, Bootsy. Tell me what got you into the music business.
BC: I would have to say, my brother. He is like eight years older than I am. He was playing in a band and I was checking that out. With me not having a father in my home, I always wanted to be with my big brother, I always looked to him.
SGIB: What is his name?
BC: Catfish Collins. I kind of hung onto the music thang because of him, I think. He was always rehearsing around the house with the fellas, chicks always hanging around and I thought that was a real cool thang. (we both laugh) I wanted to pick up the guitar, so when he would do his paper route I would kind of sneak his guitar out and mess around a little bit, you know what I’m saying? The next thing you know, I fell in love with just music, period. I started following after him. I wanted to be like him and play in a band. One thang led into another and the next thing you know, we wound up in a band together.
SGIB: You have been on the scene since 1976, so you had to be in the business before that. Being in the business as long as you have, has it given you everything you wanted, has it been everything you thought it would be?
BC: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Most definitely. It was more than I thought it would be. It gives you some thangs you didn’t expect, also. Like more responsibilities than you could ever imagine. You get into it just playing music and being with people and just having a big party. It winds up that you have to take responsibility for a lot more thangs. It’s a curse and a blessing at the same time.
SGIB: I was looking at your bio, Bootsy and you have played with people like The God Father Mr. James Brown, and Mr. George Clinton and there is a lot of things going on with you. This new CD project you are doing now, you are incorporating a lot of new artists. Even at the beginning of your CD you say you’re mixing the old with the new so you can pull in new listeners. You got Snoop Dogg, Fat Joe, you got Rosie Gaines from Prince, how did all this come about for you to decide to put in with these new artists?
BC: I think with me working with them in the first place is a good thing, there are always certain projects with them anyway, I have been doing that for a while-working with new artists. I never actually thought about doing a record on myself and having them involved on an album of mine. I always worked with them on certain records but never think of doing that myself... Read more about Bootsy in our next issue of SGIB

P.B.G.’s Productions and Management along with SGIB, is Proud to Introduce to You:
Raya and Irn

The First Artists to be Represented by SGIB Magazine!
By Beryl

Watch out, world! Here they come! The hottest new duo to hit the Latino Hip-Hop scene since J. Lo! “2 ð. R” is ready to breakout in a big way and get noticed. Raya, 26 and Irn, 27, are both singers and dancers born and raised in Barcelona, Spain. They have been best friends for over 10 years and have now made a strategic move to work together, doing what they love to do and to blast-off into the Latino music genre with their unique style of Hip-Hop and Rap. They are doing what no one is doing by combining the successful cross-over of performing in English and Spanish (Spanglish) with their kickin’ music. This will give them a great edge over other new artists hitting the scene and provide them with the opportunity to make it BIG!
Raya is currently the background dancer for “The Godfather of Soul”, Mr. James Brown and lives in Los Angeles, California. Irn is well known in Barcelona and other parts of Europe for her dancing and free-stylin’ rap and lives in Spain. Both of these talented women have impressive credentials in their own right. Raya has been performing her Hip-Hop/Rap music since 1999 while touring the world six times with Mr. Brown. She is the dancer with the long blonde hair on the right behind Mr. Brown, being seen in the Jackie Chan movie, “The Tuxedo” and on the 2003 B.E.T. Awards show with Michael Jackson, when Mr. Brown received his Lifetime Achievement Award. Irn is on television in Spain in a show similar to our “American Idol”. She is the representative for National Hip-Hop. She also has her own dance studio, teaching Hip-Hop to her students, winning many awards and championships for her troupe, in which she also performs. She has been a free-style champion in Spain, as well.
They write all their own music and lyrics and I reviewed their publicity demo in the last issue of SGIB and their joints are MUY CALIENTE. When they are recording in the studio, they work with one of the hottest producers in Spain, Noel and one of the hottest choreographers in Spain, Dente, both of whom lend their smooth back-up vocals to the demo. “2 ð. R” has already recorded a DVD, due to drop shortly. Our Editor-in-Chief and CEO of P.B.G.’s Productions and Management, Gerard, has taken “2 ð. R” under his wing to promote them and they are the first artists to have SGIB be their official publication. I had the pleasure to interview this dynamic duo right before they were leaving California to return to Spain to hit the studio to record a new single.
SGIB: How did you two hook up together?
Raya: (laughing) It’s a long story. We know each other since we’re 17 years old. We know each other for a long, long time. We been together here in Spain, performing here and there, on T.V. and whatever. We are best friends. I moved to the United States and Irn stayed in Spain. Irn called me a few months ago and said, “Sara, I know you’re rapping and we should hook up together and do it together.” I was like, okay, let’s do it together. That’s what happened.
SGIB: That’s pretty cool. Best friends are a good thing to have. (we laugh). How did you come up with the name, 2 ð. R?
Raya: The name. OK. Pi in Spanish is pronounced P and the symbol is a P and an I. Her name is Irene Pallares. If you turn it around, her name is Pallares Irene (PI). Then, R is my artistic name, Raya. So, we are 2 PI R in English. We changed the PI to the symbol; pi is the symbol for the circumference of a circle, so it’s 2 ð. R.
SGIB: It’s a real cool name. I listened to your demo and I gotta tell you that my favorite cut, which I would like to see be released as your first single, is “Freaky With You.” That is one kickin’ tune. Do you write all your songs yourself?
Raya: We do. All of them.
SGIB: I know right now that you are shopping labels. Do you have a whole CD that you plan to release?
Raya: Yes. We are working on that now, sending the demo to labels and producers. We are trying to put an album together now. Of course, maybe they want to test us first by doing a single and see how the people react to it. Then they can be like, “Now we see how the reaction is and let’s put in the money for a whole album.” So we will see what happens and what they are open to.
SGIB: You as a duo is a unique concept than other Latino Hip-Hop artists. With the two of you as a duet performing Hip-Hop and rapping in both English and Spanish, makes you very unique which is a great marketing point. Who is your target market?
Raya: We are looking for the Latin community, especially since we perform in Spanish. I think there is a big void over there (the United States) because there is nobody doing what we’re doing. There are guys who mostly do either hardcore rap or more of the Salsa and Merengue type of flava that they rap to. The girls that are in the underground are really hardcore, too. We are trying to get more Hip-Hop beats and doing what no one hears. The Latino people are open to Hip-Hop. They buy Hip-Hop, Mexican Hip-Hop. So, we’re trying to do something well, music-wise and rap-wise. Something that you can play at the clubs, dance and get your groove on. So first of all, we are targeting the Latino community because we have the sole opportunity to introduce something new and fresh. Then if there is the possibility of cross-over, we will try to do that. Right now we are going step by step and we think the first step is targeting the Latin community. Irn is moving it in Spain and Gerard (i.e. Editor-in-Chief of SGIB) is moving it in the United States, so we are going to see to where it goes.

Read more about this HOT duo and order your issue of SGIB today in our online catalog.

This issue is dedicated to the memory of an extraordinary woman and humanitarian, Ms. Vonny Hilton-Sweeney
by Gerard

“She Was Just Here A Moment Ago!”

This issue is dedicated to an extraordinary woman. A woman who unconditionally gave of herself, her resources and her love. Known the world over as just Vonny, Vonny Hilton-Sweeny single-handedly created the first Pre-Grammy party for the urban community. It has come to be known as, “The Annual Music Industry Pre-Grammy Celebration and Friends & The James Brown Truth Awards.” If that was not enough, Vonny was also the Editor of “The Truth,” an affiliate of Mr. James Brown Enterprises and published by the “Godfather of Soul” himself, Mr. James Brown. When dropping over her house, you never knew what or whom you might find, in search of that big break or just stopping by to say hello. “Amateur Night at the Apollo” had nothing on her. There may be a singer showing off his skills, a Michael Jackson impersonator dressed to the nines, dancing across her living room floor, a comedian doing his stand up routine and all in hopes of getting a chance to perform at the next Pre-Grammy party and why?… Let me run down just a few of the many attendees and honorees over the years: Lou Rawls, The Jackson Family, Earth, Wind & Fire, Atlantic Starr, Curtis Blow, Jim Brown, Mr. James Brown, Natalie Cole, Morris Day, Ja’net DuBois, The Gap Band, Jamie Foxx, The Isley Brothers, Little Richard, Paul Mooney, Salt ‘N Pepa, The Temptations, B2K, Tony-Toni-Tone, Ali-Ollie Woodsen, April Sutton, The Inkspots; are you getting the point? Or, they may get a phone number she could give you and the only thing the person needed to know on the other end of that number was, “Vonny gave me your number.”
Well, let me drop in the interview that I had with her, back in 2002, while writing for the “Inside Connection” Magazine in my column, “Urban Grooves.”( The entire interview was never published.)
Gerard: Tell me how you got started in doing the Pre-Grammy Party?
Vonny: Oh boy! During the time I started the Pre-Grammy parties, twenty something years ago, very few minorities belonged, performed or attended the Grammy's. They even did the R&B Awards in the pre-telecast portion of the show. I saw people saving their money, going to the studios, trying to get a hit record and a lot of them never would. I thought, what a good thing to throw a Pre-Grammy celebration during Black History Month and Grammy week, to let some of these people who are struggling to get into the business, to interact and network with some of the achievers or some of the Grammy nominees. A gentleman that owned a recording studio in L.A. agreed to pay for it as a promotional thing for his studio.
Vonny was here a moment ago … my world, like many others, is feeling a lot emptier now … and you reading this magazine should be, too and you know why? Because it was Vonny who gave ME: Harry Wringer of Polygram Records, who gave me Todd at Universal, who gave me Greg at Interscope, who gave me the G-Unit who are on the very cover of this magazine issue…. now take a lesson, “THAT'S NETWORKING YOUNG’UNS”! There won't be another Vonny. Her goal was not riches or fame. It was just about affecting as many people as she could; who would then help each other make their dreams come true. Vonny was a “Dreammaker” and a visionary.
WE LOVE YOU, Vonny… We know, YOU love us more! If there is a heaven above, we know Vonny is already teaching people how to “Network”! If the Pre-Grammy party happens next year and “The Truth” is published, I hope they are bigger, better and more organized then they ever were before! Some things are just never meant to end. These are two of them.

If you want to read the complete interview and story about this very special woman (and all that she has done for so many people), order your copy of SGIB TODAY in our onine catalog!The Nappy Head Funk Army is
Keepin’ the Funk Alive on Strong Island!
by Beryl
Born William Collins in Cincinnati and still lives there on. October 26, 1951 Main instruments-Bass and electric guitars, also plays space bass, acoustic guitar, drums and guitars. Also does vocals, raps and sampling and is a mixer, producer, arranger, engineer, bandleader. SGIB Magazine is delighted to write about this pioneer the “Poineer of Funk” Boosty Collins. Started his career at 14 years old hitting the Teen talent shows and in gospel groups from 1989-1971(No open Mic’s). Was discovered by a Cincinnati local jazz musician mr. Wilbert Longmire and on a New's Year Eve Bootsy filled in Mr. Wibert's band,his band the Pacesetters became The God Father of Soul Mr. James Brown’s back up band as the JB's (in fact, helped write "Sex Machine" a Godfather classic). In 1972 was asked to back-up the legionary soulful group Spinners and The Father of Funk Mr. George Clinton and the P-Funk band and joined his band. In fact it was with Mr. Clinton that he went from clean cut tuxedos (with Mr. James Brown) to the outlandish clothes and star shaped glasses his trademark today. In 1976 launched his own band, "Bootsy's Rubber Band," 1990 was the featured guitarist and bassist for Deee-Lite , was on the Showtime TV special "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" and Currently is played regularly on Radio VH1 on the "Funk Essentials" stations. Mr. Collins was Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 also in 1997 became the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the first CAMMY Awards (given to Cincinnati artists). His most resent Grammy was won by collaborating with Fatboy Slim and has done a video with Eminem's DJ Head. Oh and here is something you Babyface lover may not know, Boosty was the one who gave Babyface his nickname
His newest CD-"Play With Bootsy" the first single is the title track CD is getting rave reviews. Collaborates with Snoop Dogg, Rosie Gaines (Prince), Fat Joe, George Clinton, Bobby Womack. Is causing a new generation of 'Bootsmania". On intro of CD mentions a laundry list of artists-Chuck D, Nelly, Snoop, Rosie, Dr. Dre. Another single "Love Gangsta" on the new CD gives the message to put Away the guns!
Mr. Collins has over 15 albums, first one in 1976. Has been on numerous compilations CD's. First hit single "Stretching Out in a Rubber Band." Most successful singles "Pinocchio Theory", "Bootzilla," "Body Slam," "Ah, The name is Bootsy, Baby" (which went gold in 1977) and in 1978 had another gold record "Bootsy? Player of the Year". Then took a 6 year hiatus. His studio-Bootzilla Re-Hab, keeps figurines of Casper the Ghost, Bugs Bunny, Three Stooges and other cartoon characters as 'decorations.' And his son, Bill, Jr. is the sceond generation an upcoming rapper (I can’t wait to hear him) will there be a third; Bootsy is also a grandfather.
With a history of his own LSD use and groupies days behind him Mr. Collins has been around over 30 years and is in heavy rotation on MTV now on the video "Weapon of Choice" with Fatboy Slim. Also has music on the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider soundtrack. He cites his influences as Sly Stone, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix has been described as: brassy, freakish, humorous, fun, playful, good natured, silly, theatrical working with Val Watson, on a CD for a tribute to Jimi Hendrix,Musiq, Toots & the Maytals (reggae group), Big Daddy Kane, Cyndi Lauper, Herbie Hancock, Teena Marie. Very hot Germany, many of his web linked sites are in German. It is with pleasure I do this interview, he and I have bumped into one another on more than one occasion in the past.
SGIB: Let’s go back, Bootsy. Tell me what got you into the music business.
BC: I would have to say, my brother. He is like eight years older than I am. He was playing in a band and I was checking that out. With me not having a father in my home, I always wanted to be with my big brother, I always looked to him.
SGIB: What is his name?
BC: Catfish Collins. I kind of hung onto the music thang because of him, I think. He was always rehearsing around the house with the fellas, chicks always hanging around and I thought that was a real cool thang. (we both laugh) I wanted to pick up the guitar, so when he would do his paper route I would kind of sneak his guitar out and mess around a little bit, you know what I’m saying? The next thing you know, I fell in love with just music, period. I started following after him. I wanted to be like him and play in a band. One thang led into another and the next thing you know, we wound up in a band together.
SGIB: You have been on the scene since 1976, so you had to be in the business before that. Being in the business as long as you have, has it given you everything you wanted, has it been everything you thought it would be?
BC: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Most definitely. It was more than I thought it would be. It gives you some thangs you didn’t expect, also. Like more responsibilities than you could ever imagine. You get into it just playing music and being with people and just having a big party. It winds up that you have to take responsibility for a lot more thangs. It’s a curse and a blessing at the same time.
SGIB: I was looking at your bio, Bootsy and you have played with people like The God Father Mr. James Brown, and Mr. George Clinton and there is a lot of things going on with you. This new CD project you are doing now, you are incorporating a lot of new artists. Even at the beginning of your CD you say you’re mixing the old with the new so you can pull in new listeners. You got Snoop Dogg, Fat Joe, you got Rosie Gaines from Prince, how did all this come about for you to decide to put in with these new artists?
BC: I think with me working with them in the first place is a good thing, there are always certain projects with them anyway, I have been doing that for a while-working with new artists. I never actually thought about doing a record on myself and having them involved on an album of mine. I always worked with them on certain records but never think of doing that myself.

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