The Enterprising Connection, LLC
Good or Bad

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What is Stress?

Stress is natural. Simply stated, it is a natural response to our environment. So, needless to say, stress cannot be avoided. There are, however, ways to manage stress or reduce the effects of stress. The best way to do that is to know what stress is. Know how the nervous system reacts to stress. Also know the physical and mental reactions to stress. First know that with knowledge comes power. The word “stress” is used very generously. There are two types of stress, both of which are involuntary reactions. Both are also natural stimulants to the nervous system.

Eustress is a natural benefit to the body’s emotional, mental and physical state. It is an enthusiastic, happy or pleasurable feeling of some type. It is referred to as “good stress”. Eustress is the type of stress that gives an adrenalin rush to the mental state, which energizes the physical body. It allows us to have energy surges or energy charges. Eustress lends maximum energy for a certain amount of time. It gives us that extra charge when engaged in challenges of special interest. Eustress stimulates creativity and productivity.

Distress, however, is what most people are familiar with. It is the pressure and tension we experience when responding to the heavy demands of day-to-day activities. It is best described as the feeling of oppression. The most commonly known mental state associated with distress is the helplessness of feeling overwhelmed. Nevertheless, distress is not effective for productivity. It is certainly a drain on the nervous system as well as the body’s mental and physical response. It is the pressure that comes with trying to meet the challenges and/or demands of outside sources such as work, family, etc. Distress is also the result of internal pressures such as high expectations or heavy demands on one's self, as well as unrealistic obligations and self-criticism.
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