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Feng Shui Furniture & Oriental Gifts is located on Route 139 in Pembroke, Massachusetts.

We have been importing Chinese furniture and giftware to the Boston area for the past 10 years and specialize in Oriental antiques as well as reproduction pieces.

In addition to the gorgeous wooden furniture, we carry a variety of merchandise including jade, porcelain, stoneware, jewelry, silk purses and scroll paintings. Prices range from $2 to $2000, with many great values to be found.

The owner, Alex Bai, returns to China often to search for antiques and unusual items. He says that the past few years have been especially fruitful. "As China modernizes, some people are more interested in the new than in the old. They are increasingly selling family furniture and other art on the wholesale market." The government screens every item taken from the country in order to ensure that all is not lost; still the quality and variety of importable pieces is impressive.

Alex says he is not a "Feng Shui Master", although he certainly understands the principles and can explain them to his customers. He can also refer people to a local Feng Shui Consultant if requested.

Position Available: Antique Furniiture Finisher/Restorer - Refinish and restore antique Chinese furniture. Exper. w/Chinese handwork/no-nail techniques, wood matching, construction and traditional Chinese finishes required. F/T M-F 9-5. Feng Shui, 11 Schoosett Stret Pembroke, MA 781-826-0675 fax 781-829-8743
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