Eagles View Of Minnesota

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Eagles View Of Minnesota offers you a comprehensive training program.

Student pilot
Qualifications: Instructor
Endorsement for solo operations
(must be 16 years of age to solo)
Testing: pre-solo oral test
Privileges: Dual with qualified
instrustor, solo with instructor

Qualifications: 10 hours total
instruction, 3 hours supervised solo,
25 takeoffs and landing. Must be 16 yeats
Testing: Written test,oral test and
flight test
Privileges: May fly single place
Duration: Unlimited

Basis Flight instructor (BFI)
Qualifications: Minimum of 25
hours logged in PPCs prior to starting
instruction towards towards BFI. Also must get
a Mininmum of 10 hours of air and
ground instruction for BFI,
Fundamentals of Instruction Test,
Endorsement by AFI, (Advanced flight
instructor)ASC membership
Testing: Wirtten test, oral,
and flight test
Privileges: May give dual instuction
to Student, pilot and BFI applicants,
and hold twe-place exemption,examines
Student and Pillot appicants
Duration: 2 years