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Colombian Emerald
Hooker Emerald
Pictured Above
75 Carat Hooker Emerald Brooch
Gem and Mineral Collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History

Taj Mahal Emerald
Pictured Above
Carved "Taj Mahal" emerald
at the Smithsonian in an exhibition of objects associated with the Mughal emperor Shah-Jahan
Ancient emeralds were from mines in Egypt and what is now Afghanistan. Mined and treasured for many generations by native Indians, the finest, rarest and most beautiful emeralds come from the mines in Chivor, also known as Somondoco or "God of the green gems," then later Muzo and Cosquez Colombia.

Chivor is in the eastern region and is the largest privately owned emerald mine in Colombia.
Muzo mine is in the western region and is leased to the government in 10 year increments. There are many other smaller mine shafts which produce emeralds of all different grades, but are usually of very low quality.

The terms Muzo and Chivor do not always refer to tthe origin of the emerald but instead describe quality and color.

Muzo refers to a warm, grassy-green emerald, with yellow as the secondary color.

Chivor describes a deeper green color, with blue as the secondary color.

Map of Colombia

Colombian emeralds are said to be the very best in the world because of their transparency, crystallization and fire, which is why historically, Colombian emeralds have always been the most sought after type of emerald by royalty.

Today, Colombia is still the source of the finest stones and the richest emerald mines in the world, supplying about 80% of the highest quality emeralds available on the market today.