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MAGNETITE Composure Learning Heart

MAGNESITE - Motivation, visualization, grounds intellect, cell purification, convulsions, bones and teeth, lessens PMS. Enlightenment Emotions Fevers,

MALACHITE- (green) Centering and protective. Mirror of the soul; attests to truth within. Physically protective, joyful stone. Name means “emotional purger” clears emotional blocks, eyesight, absorbs negativity, digestion, diabetes, hypoglycemia, fidelity, ease childbirth. Wear to get in touch with emotions-but best to wear only when feeling good as it is a very strong stone. Assists inner vision on all levels.
Optimism Recovery Rheumatism, Asthma, Menstrual, Teeth Raises the spirits, clarifies problems and gives fresh optimism. It is also reputed to bring prosperity in business and trade and helps to ‘turn things round’ when all is not well. On the Moh's scale Malachite is between 3.5 and 4.0.

MALACHITE-AZURITE- Deep blue and green- Blue calms the state of anxiety and green initiates the healing force. Emotional releases and detoxification. Use in meditation for rebirthing into the light. The birth death cycles in inner space. Place over blocked or congested areas stress related ailment.

MARBLE Compassion Care Fevers, Renewal

MARCASITE Ambition Rapport Circulation, Brain, Eyes

MERLINITE Druzy Quartz- This Druzy Quartz on psilomelone Rapidacess of Alpho state Goddess power manifested internse Connection to Earth and Higher Asspects of Psychic.

METEORITES-Nantan iron meteorites represent one of the rare witnessed iron meteorite falls in the world. The fall was recorded as being in 1516 vividly-"during summertime in May of Jiaging 11th year, stars fell from the northwest direction, five or six fold long, waving like snakes and dragons. They were as bright as lightning and disappeared in seconds". So far almost all iron meteorites found in the world are discovered, that is no one has witnessed the fall. The Nantan is an exception, the Chinese people actually saw the star falling 482 year prior to its discovery.

No one paid attention to the historical record about the fallen stars at Nantan until 1958, when China needed a lot of steel to push the country "The Great Leap Forward" advocated by Mao Zetung. During this period everyone was told to look for iron ore. Even cooking pots were melted in back yards to produce steel. Some farmers at Nantan, mainly Yao minority, were lucky enough to keep their kitchen tools by finding some heavy Fe-rich rocks. They reported to the government and scientist. Researchers arrived and proved the "iron ore" to be iron meteorites. Detailed mapping showed that the Nantan meteorites were distributed in an area of 27-28Km long and 8Km wide, overlying Permian limestone and surface soils. The occurrence of northwestern elongated zone concurs with the historical description of the falling direction of Lihu and Yaozhai towns, Nandan County, Guangxi, China Fell in Nantan (25 degrees 6'N, 107 degrees 42'E) in 1516.

As a tradition, the Chinese people hold the belief that the fortune of a king (emperor) or a general is revealed clearly in the sky and that one should follow universal principles. Therefore, the people there have a long history of astronomical observation. There were 359 historical records of meteorite falling events from July 2, 133BC to the fall 1905. One entry described that five pieces of meteorites fell at Shanghiu, Henan on December 24, 645 BC. The meteorites were believed to be from space for the first time in human history, which was by far earlier than the famous Chladni (1974's) publication on meteorite origin.

Although the Chinese use to watch the falling of stars closely, they did not make enough effort to collect the meteorites. Only a few pieces of meteorites were collected and studied before 1977 when Jilin Chondrite cosmic rain dew nationwide scientific attention. A joint investigation team was formed to study the Jilin chondrites. Since 1990, things have changed. Meterties collection and research has become popular in China. Some important achievements have been made. There has been some research on a few rare meteorites, such Qingzhen Enstatie Chondrite, and Nigqiang carbonaceous Chondrite.

It is extremely difficult to search and collect the meteorites described in history because of their melting upon impact and weathering afterward. Meteorites are still the rare and precious sample for geological, astronomical and space research.

The research on the Nantan meteorites is done mainly by the researchers from the Institute of Geochemistry and the Chinese Academy of Science. In the late 1970's some professors from the University of Tokyo and Gakusuim University, Japan took part in a joint research project. The summary here is based on the Chinese publications. The Nantan meteorites have different shapes :spherical, triangle, flat-iron shaped, elliptical, semi-sheered, tongue-shaped, irregular, and so on. Fresh meteorites surfaces are black and commonly characterized with angular or round melted pits. The ones deeply weathered are brown and lack of melted surface. The size of Nantan meteorites collected ranges from 10 grams to 2,000 kg. Total weight is estimated to be 9,500 kg.

More than ten minerals have been found in the nantan meteorites, dominantly komacite and taenite. Secondary are plessite, scheribersite, triolite, graphite, spherlite, sideroferrite, dyslytite, cliftonite, and lawrencite. Nantan meteorites are classified as coarse octohedrite with the kamacite lamina 1-3.1 mm wide. Widmanstattern pattern is obvious in polished pieces. The average chemical composition in the Nantan meteorites are Fe 92.35%, Ni 6.96% belonging to IIICD type of iron meteorite based on the taxonomy of Wasson and others (1980). The following trace elements fhave been detected:C, Cu,CO,S,P,Cr,Ga,As,Sb,W,Re,Ir,Au,Ru,Pd,Os,Pr,and Mn. Ag,Cd, and Pb isotopes have been analyzed by Pro. Wang Doade and others(1993). Large pieces of the Nantan meteorites, with good encapsulation, are ideal samples to analyze "space atmosphere". Pro. Wang Daode and others (1993) have analyzed Ar,He,and Ne isotopic contents.

Due to the strong weathering in humid climate and thick plant cover conditions, most smaller pieces of the Nantan meteorites turn brown and loose the melted surface. But several pieces of good quality are still available for collectors or museums. This information was copied from Cinnabar G.E.M.S., Geological Engineering and Mining Services, Jack W. Holmes 410-485-8414

METEORITE Benevolence Adventure Communication, Intuition

MICA Self Reflection Understanding Recovery, Teeth

Moh's Scale of Hardness

In 1812 the Moh’s scale of mineral hardness was devised by the German mineralogist Frederich Mohs (1773-1839). He selected the ten minerals because they were common or readily available. The scale is not a linear scale, but somewhat arbitrary.

Some minerals are very soft; others are very hard. The degree of hardness is an aid in identifying the minerals. Diamonds are harder than quartz and will therefore scratch quartz, quartz will scratch calcite, calcite will scratch gypsum, and so on. To help identify minerals, geologists have assigned numbers to the hardness of several minerals. In this hardness scale, the softer minerals are assigned a low number and the harder minerals a higher number.

In the field, an easy way of estimating the hardness of a mineral is by trying to scratch it with common objects such as a fingernail with a hardness of 2.5, a penny is the hardness of a 3, or a pocketknife, hardness 5.5. Glass has a hardness of slightly less than 6 and will scratch most minerals. Anything on the Moh’s scale that is less than a 7 is easily scratched.

Hardness Mineral Associations and Uses

2.5- Fingernail,
2.5-3 -Gold, Silver
3 -Copper penny
4-4.5 -Platinum
4-5- Iron
5.5- Knife blade
6-7- Glass
6.5- Iron pyrite
7+- Hardened steel file

To test a mineral for hardness, try to scratch it with one of these common objects. For example, a sample can be scratched by the knife (H=5.5) but NOT by the penny (H=3). Therefore, the sample has a hardness of about 4. Using other property tests that you will learn in lab, you then determine that the mineral is calcite.

The Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness goes as follows....

1 is Talc- Talcum powder.

2 is Gypsum- Plaster of Paris. Gypsum is formed when seawater evaporates from the Earth’s surface

3 is Calcite- Limestone and most shells contain calcite

4 is Fluorite- Fluorine in fluorite prevents tooth decay.

5 is Apatite- When you are hungry you have a big "appetite".

6 is Orthoclase- Orthoclase is a feldspar, and in German, "feld" means "field"

7 is Quartz

8 is Topaz- The November birthstone. Emerald and aquamarine are varieties of beryl with a hardness of 8.

9 is Corundum- Corundum Sapphire and ruby are varieties of corundum. Twice as hard as topaz.

10 is Diamond- Used in jewelry and cutting tools. Four times as hard as corundum

How to Perform the Test

1. Select a fresh surface

2. Hold the sample and attempt to scratch it with the point of an object of known hardness, start at the higher (harder) end of the scale and work down. In this example, we use a sharp quartz crystal (Hardness = 6)

3. Press the object firmly but lightly against the unknown sample

4. If the test object is harder, you should see and feel a definite "bite" into the sample

5. Inspect for an etched line
In this case, we notice a deep scratch in the sample, which indicates it's hardness is less than 6 . Repeat several times, always with a sharp point and a fresh surface.

This information was copied from
http://www.kgs.ukans.edu/Extension/KGSrocks/hardness.html and http://www.amfed.org/t_mohs.htm

MOLDAVITE- (Tektites) The first tektites were found in 1787 in the Moldau River in Czechoslovakia, hence their original name of "moldavites." Other color varieties of this natural glass have since been found in many different locations. Tektites are usually translucent and occur in a range of colors from green to brown. Their surfaces are usually uneven or rough, with a distinctive lumpy, jagged or scarred texture. Tektites do not contain the crystallites found in obsidian. they may however, have characteristic inclusion of round or torpedo shaped bubbles or honey-like swirls.

The Moudau River in Czechoslovakia is now the only known locality for green transparent tektite. Tektites from Thailand have been carved as small decorative objects worn on the belief that they give protection from evil.

Several ideas have been put forward to explain the mysterious origins of tekties. One theory suggest that they came to Earth from outer space, melting as they passed through the atmosphere and thus forming their characteristic shape and surface texture. A good resource to learn more about Moldavite would be the book "Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation" by Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner ISBN 09621910-0-0

MOLDAVITE Sensitivity Insight Hair, Fertility, Renewal

MOOKAITE JASPER- This jasper is a form of opaque, usually patterned, chalcedony and occurs in massive formations. The color range is as browns, whites, some purples. Jasper was first described by J.D. Dana in 1837 and was named from the Greek word for “an opaque colored variety of quartz”. The origin of the individual descriptive name of “Mookaite” is unknown. The following properties are in addition to the Chalcedoney and Jasper.

This mineral has been used to enhance pragmatism in expressiveness, and to assist one to celebrate states and assessing one to await “the highest” in all situations. It assists one in dealing with negative situations and proves for a shield of uncompromising strength when one confronts danger.

It further assists one with decision-making in times when one is experiencing dilemma, guiding one to the best possible decision between any opposing sides. Mookaite Jasper asks as a “mentor” when one is faced with whether to “brave the path one knows not” or to “brave the path one knows”. It is interesting to note that the ideal of the “new” is not always the choice in these cases where the options are in total opposition.

Mookaite jasper has been used in the treatment of disorders of the fatty structures and glandular structures of the body, disorder of the stomach, condition s of hernia and ruptures, and to ameliorate water retention. Responsibility Machinery Stable Health. It has a Moh’s hardness of 7.

MOONSTONE - (cloudy white gray to yellow orange to pastels or colorless) The Sodium-rich end-member of the plagioclase feldspar group, called albite, from the Latin albus, because of its whitish color, may look similar in appearance to adularia moonstone if cut en cabochon. This stone has a translucent white color with a white "moon" that rolls over the stone when rotated.

It is typically misty, semitransparent or semi-opaque with a pale, shimmering reflection, less well defined than in chatoyant stones. It may be milky white in color, or dull yellow, yellow-gray or greenish gray. It is almost always cut en cabochon. Curved pieces are also cut as necklace beads or pendants. On the Moh's scale of hardness moonstone is between a 6.0 and 6.5

The adularescence is quite distinctive. This is also found in adularia moonstone, but the two are distinguishable by their density, which is higher in albite moonstone. The refractive indices, which are always hard to establish in curved stones, are slightly higher than those of orthoclase, with slightly stronger birefringence as well. The yellowish or light brown coloration of some specimens also distinguishes it from adularia moonstone.

Calms and balances emotional situations. Second sight psychometry aura reading, use in regressions, opens up psychic potential. Relieves discomfort of cramps and assists in physical, emotional and hormonal balance.

MOONSTONE- Femininity Devotion Dieting, Swellings, PMT A symbol of female power, the stone attracts lovers and romance, promotes fidelity in a partner and emphasizes female attributes. It enhances beauty and bestows a long and healthy life.

RAINBOW MOONSTONE (stone that is pictured) is translucent with broad flashes of color as well as a blue sheen to it when it hits the light.

PEACH MOONSTONE has a natural warm peach color with a white "moon" which rolls over the stone when it is rotated.

SILVER MOONSTONE is a beautiful silver grey color, each with a moon glow that flows across the stone like the eye in a tiger.
It comes mainly from Canada and Kenya. It can also occur in India and Sri Lanka but it can be confused with the similar variety of orthoclase.

It is imitated by milky synthetic spinel, which, however, lacks the mobile reflection. It is not manufactured synthetically.

Some of it’s healing qualities are Balancing, connect with feelings, emotional tension, “travelers stone”, protecting traders and merchants from the perils of the sea. It also helps with PMS, menopause, insomnia, dreaming. It is a reflective, clear seeing, soothing, enhances clairvoyance. Deals with inner planes and soul connections. Opens oneself to the feminine aspect. Goddess energy. Lifts spirits relives frustration and balances emotions.

MOQUI MARBLES© Protection Partnerships Muscles, Veins, Arteries

MORGANITE Intellect Commerce Hearing, Vertigo

MOSS AGATE- different colors with moss inside- Binds the energies of nature and assists anyone who works with the land and earth for growing things. It cleanses and strengthens in times of stress. MOSS AGATE Identity Meditation Lungs, Glands Renewal Assertiveness Heart, Lungs, Skin

MOTHER OF PEARL - (pink to white) Natural Mother-of-Pearl cut form the golden lip mother-of-pearl shell, they are unbleached to retain their natural warm tawny color and their rainbow flesh.

Black Mother-of-Pearl are cut from the smooth interior surfaces of the black Mother-of-pearl shell. These cabochons have a silver gray color with a pearlescent sheen giving off a spectrum of colors.

White Mother-of-Pearl cut from the golden lip mother-of-pearl shell then bleached. These have a beautiful white sheen glazed over an ivory background.

Epoxy-coated tops protect against breakage, provide stability and enhance pearlesence.

Absorbs your negative energy, clarifies feelings, transmutation, stabilizer. Protection, particularly around the house. Also relates to ocean’s depth and movement. Good for those who have asthma and allergies.On the Moh's scale pearls range between a 2.5 and 4.5

MOTHER OF PEARL Providence Modelling Skin, Emotions

MTOROLITE Serenity Capability Nerves, Backache

MUSCOVITE Inspiration Speech Muscles, Energy


OAKSTONE Endurance Stability Muscles