Designer Whey - GlycerLEAN (4lbs.)

Introducing the world’s only advanced triple action 8 hour formula to help you build muscle, slash fat - ALL DAY…ALL NIGHT Clinical research completed in August 2002 has revealed time-release GlycerLEAN can help maximize muscle growth and promote fat loss unlike any protein ever for 8 hours straight – especially while you sleep. Order GlycerLEAN now! click here GlycerLEAN is clinically proven to deliver leaner, stronger results with its “one-of-a-kind” triple action formula helping to extend your anabolic growth windows Action #1 – 8 hour nitrogen delivery - Elevated Glutamine and Leucine in the bloodstream GlycerLEAN pumps growth proteins quickly and continuously to decrease muscle tissue breakdown for 8 hours straight. 3 scoops of GlycerLEAN increased L-leucine and L-glutamine levels in the bloodstream. Furthermore, GlycerLEAN can help extend the anabolic period after working out, since research has shown protein synthesis can be elevated for up to 24hours post workout. By prolonging the anabolic window, you’re insured even faster results from your hard work in the gym – especially while you sleep. Increase Leucine Levels – Regarded as the most potent BCAA for muscle growth Most potent activator of protein synthesis, prevents muscle tissue breakdown. Promotes protein synthesis by itself, without the need of carbohydrates Helps improve insulin/glucose sensitivity. Increase Glutamine Levels - Called the “Anabolic Effector”, glutamine comprises 60% of your muscle tissue. Glutamine levels are highly sensitive to illness and stress, often plummeting up to 55% after an intense workout. When glutamine levels drop, catabolic cortisol levels skyrocket. A 26% drop in glutamine levels translates to an 11% decrease in protein synthesis. Blood glutamine levels can drop 16% below normal …5 hours after a workout – low glutamine levels translate to high cortisol levels. Low Glutamine levels can translate to overtraining and greater rates of infection and illness. Action #2 – Increased Anabolic Hormones to promote lean muscle growth 350 blood tests show the Time-Release GlycerLEAN formula naturally increases 3 key anabolic hormones – Growth Hormone, Testosterone, and IGF-1 up to 61% over 8 hours. This may be the best news ever for committed athletes looking for a safe, legal way to improve performance. As you may or may not know, Growth Hormone is revered by smart bodybuilders for its ability to help repartition bodyfat into lean rock hard muscle. Furthermore, your body naturally produces up to 90% of your daily output of growth hormone within the first 4 hours of deep sleep. With the help of GlycerLEAN you can maximize this output, and possibly help prolong it for up to 8 hours at a time – helping to maximize lean muscle growth even while you sleep, about 33% of your muscle building potential. Increase Growth Hormone GH can decrease visceral (gut) and total body fat. GH and testosterone work better together than either hormone alone in promoting protein synthesis. GH infusions during fasting spared muscle protein and promoted fat breakdown. Single GH surges help increase fat-burning, focusing on abdomen area. Testosterone, considered the mother and father of muscle-building hormones helps to strengthen your muscles and maximize lean muscle growth. As, we age testosterone levels naturally decrease – now with the help of GlycerLEAN you get added insurance you’re levels don’t hit rock bottom of the hormone cellar. Ingredients found in GlycerLEAN are proven to maximize the output of testosterone – helping up to 90% of the population in America today. Increase Testosterone Testosterone replacement therapy has shown increasing testosterone levels can help men over 30 preserve or build more muscle mass and cut fat. Testosterone increases muscle protein synthesis and enhances strength, size and athletic performance. Testosterone levels decrease when cortisol rises. Last but not least, GlycerLEAN helps to elevate IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) output. A potent anabolic/anticatabolic hormone – IGF-1 is directly related to the quality of protein and its release is correlated with Growth Hormone output. Further, cellular hydration, one of the advantages found in this patent-pending GlycerLEAN formula is also acts as a direct releaser of IGF-1 into the bloodstream. Increase IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factors) IGF-1 is shown to help prevent protein breakdown and stimulates protein synthesis. IGF-1 works synergistically with Growth Hormone to increase nitrogen retention. Action #3 – Decreased Catabolic Hormones to prevent muscle tissue breakdown While increasing the most important muscle-building anabolic hormones, GlycerLEAN simultaneously helps decrease the bad, muscle-wasting catabolic hormones. Two of the most devastating hormones for muscle growth are cortisol and glucagon. Catabolic, muscle-destroying hormones cortisol and glucagon attack muscle tissue at a ferocious rate - depleting muscle of up to 61% critical nitrogen stored in your muscles when infused with epinephrine. Decreased Cortisol Breaks down muscle tissue at an alarming rate, cortisol is used as a measurement of in muscle-wasting conditions. High cortisol levels are linked to increased abdominal fat, and lower energy levels Decreased Glucagon Glucagon inhibits protein synthesis stimulated by amino acids Increased glucagon levels are correlated with accelerated leucine oxidation Make no mistake, GlycerLEAN is unlike any protein ever created. There’s nothing quite like it. This specialized 8 hour growth formula is painstakingly formulated with 28 of the highest quality ingredients – available. No expense has been spared to create this breakthrough in protein supplementation. In fact, one of the key ingredients found inside this formula – currently costs over $997.00 just for one kilogram! You can also rest easy knowing this “beyond-leading-edge” protein was created by the specialists who introduced whey to the word at Designer Whey. So you know it’s going to work hard, strong and long – that’s a guarantee. 100% Guaranteed to work for 8 hours straight or your money back! Time-Release GlycerLEAN is in a class of its own. It’s guaranteed to work or your money back. See bottle for details. Look for Time-Release GlycerLEAN wherever finer protein supplements are sold.

Retail Price: $74.99
Our Price: $52.49


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