Designer Whey (2lbs)

WHEY MATTERS Quantity reflects quality. The abundance of recent research and sheer weight of attention currently being focused on whey protein's multiple health benefits clearly demonstrates the power and potential of this incredible, physiologically functional food. Clinical trials on humans are already taking place or being planned to assess the effectiveness of specific components, including alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, peptides, lactoperoxidase, lipids, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides and immunoglobulins. Interest is on the upswing in methods of preparation of individual whey components and products. Respected, erudite nutritional scientists now recommend that increased research on whey protein should focus on clinical studies in humans. This research would validate the work performed on animals, and confirm the properties and roles of intact whey protein products as well as individual protein components and peptides. In regard to components, recent research includes a review of "Trends in ingredients ... bioactive proteins and peptides for functional foods" as reported by Buikstra FPM (1999). Whey's general health benefits have been recently explored by LaBell F (2000) in "Milk proteins protect health" (Prepared Foods, 169 7:77). On the horizon: a bright forecast for whey W. James Harper, Ph.D., Professor, J.T. Parker Chair in Dairy Foods at Ohio State University's Department of Food Science and Technology, envisions, in his words, "a potentially bright future" for commercial whey protein products in nutrition and health markets. In his Biological Properties of Whey Components - A Review, prepared for and published by The American Dairy Products Institute in 2000 (and updated in 2001), Dr. Harper advises the whey products industry to seize the lead in encouraging continued research in support of the biological value of whey components and in showcasing the diversity, reliability and efficacy of whey protein as an exceptional physiologically functional food. Research updates Whey protein shown to help reduce blood pressure – Hypertension is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and a big concern throughout North America. Even with advancements made in several therapies, the number of deaths in the USA continues to rise. Previous studies have shown promise with different components in whey protein to help reduce blood pressure. A recent study conducted at the University of Minnesota found that a specific whey protein isolate (Biozate®) with bioactive peptides reduced blood pressure with as little as one week of treatment. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure dropped and the positive change remained throughout the study. Study is scheduled to be published in Spring 2003. Abstract published in Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 2002, 16 (Supplement 1): 68. Whey protein shown to help reduce stress - Researchers from the Netherlands have tested one of the major fractions found in whey – alpha lactalbumin and its effects on stress. They found a diet high in lactalbumin helped subjects perform better mentally under stressful conditions. Furthermore, they found the high lactalbumin diet helped reduce cortisol levels which increase in response to stressful conditions. These results are not only positive for daily stress, but also for fat storage which generally increases as cortisol levels increase accordingly. Study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002, 75(6): 1051-6. Whey protein shows promise in inhibiting HIV Infection - New research from the Netherlands has looked at natural proteins with anti-HIV activity. A report from their recent study showed that lactoferrin, one of the whey protein fractions “showed considerable inhibitory activity against HIV by targeting the entry process of the virus.” Casein the primary protein found in milk, showed different results and did not significantly inhibit replication of the virus. Further studies are in progress. Study published in Antiviral Research, 2002, 55: 341-355.

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