
DIGEST Enhances the digestion and assimilation of food while reducing the body's need to produce digestive enzymes. Take one or more capsules with each meal and snacks.* Each 220 mg capsule of Digest provides: Amylase Thera-blendTM 12,000 DU Protease Thera-blendTM 42,000 HUT Invertase 1.75 IAU Maltase 200 DP Cellulase Thera-blendTM 200 CU Alphagalactosidase 75 GAL Lipase Thera-blendTM 500 FCCFIP Lactase 850 LacU Phytase 50 endo PG (or PU) Pectinase 50 endo PG (or AJDU) L. Acidophilus 100 million CFU L. Bifidus 25 million CFU 180, 90, & 30 capsules per bottle. No fillers. Recommended Usage: 1-3 capsules with every meal. The dosage is dependent on the types of foods eaten and the individual's difficulty of digestion. If alcohol is consumed with the meal dosage should be increased. Indications: Most digestive disorders Dairy intolerance Gallbladder stress (see below) Prevention of malabsorption Intestinal toxemia Food allergies Indigestion Sugar intolerance Gallbladder stress may show itself with these indications: Nausea following meal anywhere from directly after to several hours later Headache prior to meal or following meal Nausea relieved by eating or bowel movement Diarrhea following meals or thereafter Pain or tenderness in upper abdomen Diarrhea to constipation Burps or belches Bloating A feeling of bloating or tenderness where the rib cage comes together DIGEST should be used for any of the symptoms mentioned above. Take 1-3 capsules with meals and anytime as needed 9more may be taken as needed). Symptoms should dissipate within fifteen to thirty minutes. Some people may require an additional 2 capsules of GASTRO for diarrhea or heartburn. Individuals with extreme gallbladder or gastrointestinal problems may benefit from a regimen of GASTRO for one week followed by a continuing program of DIGEST along with GASTRO. DIGEST is recognized as a maintenance formulation for those that have addressed their imbalances and now have a need to maintain that balance. Contraindications:In cases of Gastritis (extreme case), Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers use GASTRO with meals and/ or as needed. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Retail Price: $39.95
Our Price: $27.99


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