
REPAIR contains the highest amount of proteolytic enzymes that have exhibited qualities that reduce inflammation and speed recovery.* Protease 65,000 HUT Papain 1,500,000 PU Bromelain 23,000,000 (600 GDU) Amylase 4,000 DU Lipase 300 FCCLU Catalase 100 CU (Baker) Inflammation: One of the major concerns of inflammation is capillary blood flow. These small blood vessels are responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing waste. After an injury some of these capillaries may be damaged, making them incapable of carrying fluid to and from the damaged tissue. The result is pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function. By repairing the capillaries, the bruises, swelling and pain disappear. Proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that have the ability to break down protein) have been shown to reduce the amount of fibrin in the damaged capillary, improve circulation and speed healing. Once in the blood stream proteolytic enzymes hydrolyze (digest) the fibrin network and enhance blood flow. Additionally, these same proteases have been known to stimulate phagocytes (cells that ingest foreign particles and debris) and accelerate elimination by way of the lymphatic system. Recovery: In a recent study, runners were given protease supplements or a placebo four times a day for three days. This consisted of 24 hours before and 48 hours after running. The participants were evaluated for mood, muscle soreness and pain threshold 24 and 48 hours after running 30 minutes at about 7 miles per hour. The result was a decrease in soreness, improved pain threshold and no mood change with those taking the proteolytic supplements over the group who took the placebo. This is not new. According to some sports medicine reports, there is scarcely a top athlete in Germany who is not familiar with enzyme therapy. Additionally, in Australia, athletes are provided with enzyme capsules as a precaution to aid in rapid recovery after injury. References: Bailey S.P. "Effects of Protease supplementation on muscle soreness following downhill running." Medical University of South Carolina, Charelston , SC,1999 Chichoke, A.J., Therapeutic Uses for Enzymes, Nutrition Science News 7:95 Fuller, D. "The Healing Power of Enzymes" Gardner , M.L., Ann Rev Nutr, 8:329-350. 1988 Gerbert, G., Physiologie, Stuttgart, Germany; Schattauer Klaschka, F. Oral Enzymes: new approach to cancer treatment. Munich, Germany: Forum-Medizin, (1966) 121. Kleine M. Pabst H. The study of an oral enzyme therapy on an experimental erzeugre hamatome. Forum of practical and general practitioners 1988;27:42 Kimber I, et all. Toxicology of protein allergenicty: prediction and characterization. Toxical Sci 1999 Apr;48(2):157-62 Mamadou, M., "Oral Enzymes: Facts and Concepts" *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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