Detour Bar

What are you waiting for? Protein bars have changed forever, and new DETOUR from the makers of America's #1 protein - Designer Whey is the reason why. "We have revolutionized the industry and taken it by storm. This bar has finally given muscle minded consumers an answer to their bodybuilding prayers!" says David Jenkins, three time track Olympian and Designer Whey head product honcho. David Jenkins, Designer Whey's Whey Guru "New DETOUR combines the great taste of creamy caramel, crunchy roasted peanuts and rich chocolate to deliver a nutritional profile unmatched in protein bar history - you'll swear you're eating a candy bar!" Each triple layer DETOUR bar provides loads of muscle building protein - combined with the breakthrough GlycerLEAN, helping your hard working muscles recover and get leaner, stronger, faster after workouts. Finally! Energize your muscle gains while satisfying your taste buds.

Retail Price: $35.88
Our Price: $25.99


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