Carb Watcher Bar

Introducing the Low Carb Lean Body Bar. The bar with 86% less carbs and 100% better taste! We're talking delicious here folks! New Low Carb Lean Body Bars will change your mind about the way high-protein, low carb bars can taste. They're so smooth, creamy and tantalizing, you'll want to savor each and every bite. Low Carb Lean Body Bars give your body more of what you want, high quality protein in a great tasting bar. And they give you less of what you don't want, like extra carbs. Lean Body Bars have up to 86% less carbs than Pure Protein Bars and up to 83% less carbs than Solid Protein Bars Lean Body Bars are the only protein bars to be clinically tested and shown to normalize blood sugar levels more effectively than other popular energy bars. No other protein bar can claim this. Those are the pure and solid facts. Facts that are changing the way people think about low carb bars. Amazing as these facts and figures are, the real joy of Low Carb Lean Body Bars is the pure, sensuous pleasure you'll get from eating them. The simple joy of taking in the burst of flavor. Oh, yes, these bars are going to turn the world of low carb nutrition inside out. Take a taste. From the first bite, you'll understand why. By the way, you don't have to take our word for the great flavor. Lean Body Bars have won prestigious taste awards, including the NNFA People's Choice Award and the American Tasting Institute's Gold Medal for taste. No other protein bar can claim this, either

Retail Price: $35.88
Our Price: $25.11


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