IGF-1 Force

I.G.F 1 has proven to be useful for the average weight lifting athlete to reverse catabolic actions. What is I.G.F 1 FORCE? I.G.F 1 FORCE has a purified recombinant protein chain containing 70 amino acids. As it participates in the junction of blocking catabolic muscle loss, I.G.F 1 has proven to be useful for the average weight lifting athlete. How does I.G.F 1 FORCE prevent muscle from it's breakdown? Both I.G.F 1 and I.G.F 2 are expressed in many Tissues and cell types throughout the human body's mechanism. I.G.F 1 is a potent mitogenic growth factor that mediates the growth promoting activities of growth hormone postnatally. A study performed at the Fraser Simon University, Burnaby, BC, Canada suggests, exercise in conjunction with I.G.F 1 receptor proteins can restore protein synthesis in vitro. Furthermore, recently scientists starting to prefer treating the chronically ill with I.G.F 1 proteins over the tradional G.H cocktail to reverse different cases of Hypercatabolism. (breakdown of muscle tissue) Because of the anticatabolic and nitrogen sparing effects- I.G.F 1 Force has valuable aspects for anybody interested in maintaining elevated IGF-1 levels. From it's legal status and cheaper price, why would somebody prefer I.G.F 1 FORCE over the more concentrated injectable form? Frequent oral sprays suggest that it posessess the characteristics of actually stimulating the pituitary gland to naturally produce more G.H. While large doses of H.G.H or I.G.F 1 simply overstimulate, resulting in a shutdown of it's natural production. In the final analysis, the new oral sprayer appears to provide the human body with a viable dose of growth stimulating factors that are diminished during the natural aging process.

Retail Price: $129.95
Our Price: $90.96


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