Workout for Men

Renewal™ HGH Workout for Men For Serious Fitness, Bodybuilding & Athletics Formulated to: • Boost Stamina • Build Muscle • Add Strength • Increase Energy • Reduce Fat • Re-hydrate Skin • Accelerate Healing • Increase Protein Synthesis Renewal™ HGH Workout for Men is the ultimate workout formula for serious fitness, bodybuilding and athletics. Designed to boost performance, strength, energy, muscle mass, tone, stamina and mental focus. Increases your ability to achieve peak performance while reducing healing and recovery time. A powerful blend of HGH, IGF-1, Growth Factors and 29 other ingredients designed to increase uptake of oxygen and the production of ATP, to improve protein synthesis and support the generation of connective tissue. Detailed Explanation of all Ingredients DESIGNED TO BOOST Strength Endurance Efficient Muscle Physiology Ability to Reach Peak Performance Mental Focus and Concentration Recovery Time and Repair DESIGNED TO FACILITATE Uptake of Oxygen Acceleration of Protein Synthesis Increased Muscular Force Generation of Cellular ATP Creation of Muscle Connective Tissues All phases of Krebs Cycle Product Features • True Recombinant HGH • True Recombinant IGF-1 • Growth Factors • 29 Other Synergistic Ingredients • Oral Spray • Homeopathic • Fully Hand-Succussed • Doctor Formulated • FDA Registered • Produced in the United States by an FDA Certified Lab Combines With • Combines exceptionally well with all Renewal™ products • Can be taken with any other vitamins, herbs, medicines, etc. Recommended Use • For maximum absorption, use Renewal™ at least 30 minutes before or after putting anything in your mouth other than water. • To assist absorption, rinse mouth with water prior to dosing. • Spray 1 to 2 sprays under the tongue 3 times a day. • Hold the liquid under the tongue for 30 to 60 seconds, then swallow. • Repeat for 5 consecutive days, then take 2 days off. • If you are taking more than one Renewal™ product daily, take the first one as directed, then wait a few minutes before taking the next. The best time for each of the three daily doses is: 1) Upon arising in the morning, or before your morning workout 2) Afternoon around 4:00 pm, or before your afternoon/evening workout 3) At night before bedtime Warning Do not use if pregnant or lactating. Renewal™ is not intended for children. Full disclaimer. Contents • 30 ml (One fluid ounce) • Approximately 180 sprays • 5 - 6 week supply depending on level of use INGREDIENTS HGH IGF-1 Growth Factors Testosterone Androstenedione Creatine Monohydrate Trans-Ferulic Acid Amino Acid Complex L-Arginine Pyroglutimate L-Carnitine L-Glutamine L-Isoleucine L-Leucine L-Valine OKG NADH Hyaluronic Acid Pituitarium DHEA Pregnenolone Co-Enzyme A Ribose Protease Trypsin Vitamin E B Complex Boron Chromium Germanium Vanadium Zinc Sulphate Trace Minerals Detailed List Below Detailed Explanation of all Ingredients

Retail Price: $49.95
Our Price: $37.49


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