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Decorative Global Treasures

Horus 3ft

Our Price: $204.99

Khnum 3ft

Our Price: $204.99

Cat Goddess

Our Price: $144.99

Thot 3ft

Our Price: $204.99

Pharaohs Hound

Our Price: $159.99

Roman File Holder (Set of 3)

Our Price: $129.99

Standing Buddha (5ft)

Our Price: $409.99

Anubis (3ft)

Our Price: $179.99

Standing Buddha (2ft)

Our Price: $114.99

Queen CD Sarcophagus (2ft)

Our Price: $199.99


Our Price: $249.99

Sarcophagus CD Holder (4ft)

Our Price: $449.99

Egyptian Sofa

Our Price: $2,749.99

Snake Chandelier

Our Price: $999.99
Egyptian Book Self

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